Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Prepared to be blown away!
Remember when I posted Allie J.'s playlist? (A few posts down)
Well now I actually have a song for you guys to hear!
Global Heartwarming! (how ah-dorable does that sound?)
It's really ah-mazing!
Wanna know who's stolen Allie J's identity this time? Lucy Keating! And Allie J couldn't have done better. =)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Back 2 Skool, OK?
I am soooooo happy! wanna know why?
1) i finally got to boys R US
2) i bought the alphas and am sooooo happy with it
3) 798 people voted on the clique poll!
Results are in!
DO you think the Alphas will be better than the Clique series?
NO! Nothing can replace the Clique! ................................ 52%
Maybe.... We'll just have to wait and see... ........................ 37%
Definetly............................................................................ 2%
Not really ......................................................................... 8%
Most of you (417) are happy with the Clique! New question: Have you read the ah-mazing Alpha book? Personally, I heart Charlie the most. She's awesome. And unlike the clique series, Skye dissapointed me as alpha. But I won't spill anymore.
Sooooo it was fun reading a book that came out around back to school time cuz it was about starting a new school for the first time and all.
Talking about books, which upcoming book are you most ecited about?
~Movers and Fakers (next ALpha book)
~The Cliquetionary
~Silent Night, Holly Fight (clique novella)
~The Clique Prequel: Charmed and Dangerous: The rise of the Pretty Committtee
~These Boots are Made for Stalking (Next CLique Book)
Personally, I can't wait for the next alpha and the Clique Prequel.
BY BYE! (4 now)
~ Vicky
PS: Anne wasn't able to post today so i pinky promised her i would post. but her posts are ahb-viously better. and lonnnnnger.
PPS: I've added "Search this Blog" so you can find posts easier than b4! Under "Subscribe to my Blog" on the right comlumn its kindov a complicated thing:
u have to search what you want to find
thennnn go back up to the top of page to find results.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sneak Peak... What's comming up next...
Wanna know the latest on the Clique Books? Keep on Reading! Get Ready! Set! Mark your calenders!
November 1: Cliquetionary
Ah-bviously! This cute-times-a-million gift book contains a word wheel of Cliquisms, the Clique's best comebacks, favorite expressions, and silliest secrets. 100 Gossip Points if you can guess Massie's first lip-kiss...
In each episode Teddy creates a personalized video diary for Charlie. Each video will chronicle Teddy’s daily adventures and mishaps for Charlie to use as advice when her big sister is no longer living at home.
Starring in the new series are Bridgit Mendler, Jason Dolley, Bradley Steven Perry, Eric Allan Kramer, Leigh Allyn Baker. The series began shooting a few months back, and origionally allowed for a fan audience, but since changed its policy. Good Luck Charlie will premiere on the Disney Channel beginning in 2010.
To Recap:
.During the summer her movie with Linsay Lohan aired on ABC family, she plays Emma Clayhill
. She's gonna play Becca in Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.
. She played Juliet Van Husen on Wizards of Waverly Place (gonna be there for at least 5 or 6 times)
. She played Penny for JONAS (2 episodes)
. She's going to play Teddy in Good Luck Charlie (which was orriginaly named Oops!)
Ellen Marlow (who plays Amy Benedict) shot an episode for ABC's the Forgotten (called Pilot) which premieres September 22nd.
Samantha Boscarino's film (in which she plays Gloria) the Perfect Game (with Jake T. Austin and Moises Arias) got released on March 21st in Mexico.
Sophia Everhard shot a tv episode for Lincoln Heights that aired this summer.
Vanessa Marano (layne)'s Dear Lemon Lima (with Meghan Jette Martin) which came out in 2009. She also shot in the TV Series "Dexter" in which she plays Rebecca Simmons. And a couple episodes for "The Young and the Restless" in which she plays Eden Gerick.
David Chisum (Mr. Block): Played in 2 episodes of the remake of 90210 in which he plays Greg.
Dylan Minnette (Todd) : played in 1 episode of Supernatural (Danny Carter), and shot about 11 episodes in the TV series "Saving Grace"
Shelby Stanton (Jenna): plays Sheila in Indian Hill. Story happens in 1975 about a twelve year old boy named Jack.
Lisa Masters (Mrs Marvil): Movie It's Complicated (with Meryl Streep) filming it. She plays a woman on an elevator.
Stephen Guarino (Vincent AKA weird art teacher): played Jeff the assistant in Shoots and Ladders, Allon in Confessions of a Shopoholic, a demonstrator in An English man in New York, Bill in I Hate Valentine's Day, and he's working as Brent in BearCity
Angel Desai (nurse Adele): 1 episode in the Eleventh Hour, 2 episodes in Kings, she plays Sophie Alvarez in 2 episodes of Dollhouse, and she finished playing Rasha Hamali in Washington Fields.
Julie Lauren (MRs. Block) : is going to play Debbie in Rabbit Hole.
Neal Matarazzzo (Mr. Lyons): 2 episodes in Law and Order: Speacial Victims Unit (played Ezra Kriegrel and Mr. Tamkin)
Dale Appel (upscale shopper) : played wedding guest in Bride Wars (i heart tht movie btw), mall shopper in Paul Blart: Mall Cop, a mourner in Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (which was a very funny movie), and a screaming woman(?) in theThe Maiden Heist.
Boris McGiver (Isaac): played Doug in Taking Woodstock, and iin 2 episodes of Law and Order: Criminal intent.
Okaayyyyy I think I pretty much summed the whole book/acting thing up.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I spy....
Hey people!
Lisi updated her blah-g with tons of cute pics from the Alphas Launch party. Please be sure to check it out.
(BTW: i added pics to my previous update A.L.P.H.A., annnnd added the alphas link)
These Boots Are Made For stalking is the next Clique book. Wanna see how it looks like? I do too!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I know.... AGAIN
Click link here for the new clique ds game: Diss and Make Up
UGH this is annoying..... you know posting everry minute.
PS: Hopefully this is the last of me today.
New Post... Already!
Sophie Anna Everhard (Dylan Marvil in The Clique movie) shot a tv episode (around may-ish) on ABC's tv show, Lincoln Heights. (She plays Callie)
A.L.P.H.A. : Alpha launch party.... how awesome!!
Out of all the clique actresses, Bridget Mendler (Kristen Gregory) is on top of her game.
She scored a place in a new Disney tv series Good Luck Charlie.
She also starred in Jonas (Keeping It Real and Wrong Song) and Wizards of Waverly Place.
Disney seems to love her. Even Perez Hilton wrote about her: Good Luck Charlie will be airing in 2010 exactly when Hannah Montana stops airing. Will she be the new Miley? As in, seriously?
Quick Review: (of the next books by Lisi)
- The Alphas (the fresh new series by lisi.)
- Skye Hammilton enters Alpha Academy where everyones as special as her. ITS FINALLY OUT!!! =)
- These Boots Are Made For Stalking
- the next Clique book. (you can already pre-order on Amazon)
- The Cliquetionary
-The dictonary of everything Clique. As if the title wasn't obvy. Comming out Nov 1
-The Clique Prequel: Charmed and Dangerous
- the magical night all five girls met. the days before massie was an alpha. Available 10/27/09.
- Silent Night, Holy Fight
- a clique novella. comming out around Christmas time.
- The Alphas: Movers and Fakers
-Next Alphas book comming out April 10, 2010
Seems like Lisi is super occupied. So don't get surprised if you still haven't received your fan letter back...
If Anyone is interested on what the back of the Alphas cover says I'm posting it: (all credit goes to Lisi.)
Excentric billionaire Shira Brazille founded the super-exclusive Alpha Academy on exotic Alpha Island to nurture the next generation of exceptional dancers, writers, musicians, and inventors. It's a dream come true for one hundred lucky girls, but those not measuring up will be sent home at any time, for any reason. The one left standing will win worldwide fame. Who will it be?
9:24 a.m.
At thirty-eight thousand feet above the desert, Allie A. Abbott tried to GPS her emotional state. It was somewhere between wow and whoa, what have I done!? Her emerald-colored contact lenses flitted around the womblike belly of the personal private plane. After two-plus hours of flying and crying, her eyes were finally dry enough to take in their surroundings.
Hammered silver coated the convex egg-shaped walls, reflecting prisms and rainbows all over the cabin.
“I’m made from sixty thousand recycled aluminum cans,” the wall announced in a woman’s warm British accent when she ran her fingers over its warped surface.
She Purelled immediately.
“Nope. The lemonade is perfect,” Allie lied—a skill she’d mastered over the last few weeks. And something that she’d hopefully get even better at once she landed. Because Alpha Academy had outfitted this plane for a very different Allie Abbot. Allie J. Abbott, to be specific. The girl power poet–slash–eco-maniac songwriter. Not the heartbroken mall model who worshipped pop culture, pop songs, and Pop-Tarts. No. No one wanted that Allie these days.
Thumbing away another tear, Allie nestled into her ergonomic recliner. It was made of what looked like Bubble Wrap filled with water, and felt like getting a massage from a hundred different people at once. If her intestines weren’t contracting from the shot of wheat-ass, it might have felt incredible.
Allie had first seen Fletcher Barton at the Riverside Palace Mall in downtown Santa Ana. They’d locked eyes on the north escalators—she was going up, he was going down. Her arms were full of bags. His were full of muscles. Goose bumps sprouted all over her spray-tanned body that had nothing to do with the frigid air-conditioning and everything to do with his leather jacket. He was tall and fit, with product-enhanced light brown hair and narrow blue eyes. She was the same. For a second, Allie wondered if they were related. Maybe fraternal twins separated at birth. But their attraction had been too strong for something that creepy.
“Wait!” he shouted, pushing past moms and their kids, taking the steps two at a time as he darted up the down escalator.
They met at the top.
From then on they were inseparable, and quickly became known for their combined physical perfection and strong immune systems. Everyone joked that when they got married and had kids, they would be studied for advancing the human genome. Allie said it too, only she was serious.
And the best part was that her BFF, Trina, who was single, and much less attractive than them, never got jealous or made Allie choose. In fact, she seemed just as inspired by their beauty as everyone else. Always wanting to be around them and nibble on the by-product of their love. But what Trina lacked in beauty she made up for in artistic talent. She’d even offered to tag along with the couple to Disneyland for their eleven-month anniversary, and sketch picturesque moments of their enchanted day in charcoal.
“Ha!” A bitter laugh escaped Allie’s waxy Burt’s Bees–coated lips—the natural balm was an unfortunate favorite of Allie J’s.
“Everything okay back there?” the voice asked from the cockpit.
Um, if by okay you mean wanting to shove my bare unpedicured foot up my ex-friend’s butt like a shish kebab skewer, then yes, everything is fine, Allie wanted to shout. But that would blow her cover faster than a DNA sample. So she simply nodded yes and forced a smile in case the omniscient voice could see her from behind the aluminum wall.
“Good,” it replied, satisfied.
But it wasn’t. Nothing was good. Not since the happy threesome had boarded the yellow-and-blue submarine on the Finding Nemo ride. Not since everything went dark when they had been “swallowed by a whale.” Not since the lights flashed back on and Fletcher’s neck was covered in charcoal fingerprints. And Trina’s lips smelled like jojoba and eucalyptus. And they both looked more caught than Nemo.
Allie slammed her compact shut without the satisfying click. She just didn’t get it. With puffy O-shaped lips, narrow navy blue eyes, skin that looked lit from within, and a nose so perfectly sloped that a girl two towns over had requested it for her fifteenth birthday, beauty was her backstage pass. It got her everything she ever wanted. So why hadn’t it been enough to keep Fletcher? Or rather, how had she lost him to a girl who was a mere 6.5 out of 10 after Photoshop?
She’d asked him that one day after school.
“Alliecat, you’re a hottie, no question.” Fletch leaned back like there was a wall behind him, even though they were in the middle of the basketball court during practice. “But Trina’s talent is more attractive than being a perfect ten.” He caught the ball and began dribbling it down the court. Allie followed despite the angry coach and his threats to call the police. Fletcher shot and scored. His teammates smacked him high fives. In the empty stands, Trina speed-sketched the moment. Allie began to cry.
--------------- Lisi skipped some pages because it was getting long
Word spread quickly about the scandal, and even more quickly about their on-court battle. There was only one thing left to do.
Allie retreated into her room with the intention of never leaving it again. She’d lost her boyfriend and best friend all in one afternoon, and the loneliness and betrayal hurt more than a lip wax. Her mom came in frequently with all her favorites from the food court. But the pit in her stomach was too deep to fill, even with Hunan Pan’s crispy fried wings and pot stickers.
Until two days later, when her lo mien arrived with a heavy gold package.
Allie sat up in bed and asked her mother to kindly close the door behind her.
It’s about time! She sniffled, tearing through the vellum. She wondered if Fletcher would just apologize or actually grovel, and what kind of gift he was sending to make it up to her. A gold mobile device fell onto her duvet-covered lap along with a letter. It looked like an iPod dipped in glitter. Huh?
Dear Allie J,
Welcome to the inaugural class of Alpha Academy . . .
Allie whipped the letter onto the ground and beat her Tinker Bell pillowcase. It figured Allie J would be hitting a high note when Allie was at her lowest.
Allie had been getting the girl’s fan mail for years. The songwriter had grown up on the Applemay Farm Commune just five miles outside Santa Ana. But ever since she’d left on some save-the-melting-ice-caps mission in Antarctica, the letters had been coming more frequently. Allie could have notified the post office, but that would have involved forms and post office people. Both of which were boring and probably covered in germs. Besides, Allie J’s songs had shown up on the sound tracks of three teen summer flicks, and according to a blind item in Page Six, a certain trio of Disney brothers were fighting over more than her body of work. And who knew what one of them might send. Maybe himself?
Allie lowered her head, succumbing to a new generation of tears. Through salty blurred vision the gold seal of the envelope had caught the light and winked at her from the floor. Like they shared a joke. Or a secret. Or the need to escape.
Allie raced to her laptop and Google-imaged Allie J. Only three pics came up:
A green eye behind a mess of black hair.
Her thin body photographed from behind. She was onstage, facing the audience at New York’s famed Nuyorican Poets Cafe in a white dress and bare feet.
A grainy camera phone pic of her face with what appeared to be a very large mole.
And that was it.
It was perfect.
Allie raced to the mall for the first time in days.
Hours later, she had black hair, green contact lenses, and a kohl-mole on her left cheek. She told her parents the new look was part one of her heartbreak recovery plan. Part two was applying to Alpha Academy. They couldn’t quite understand the mole, or how “catalogue modeling and a vast knowledge of mall culture” were talents Shira Brazille valued, but they went with it anyway. Sure the Academy was intended for artists, writers, and inventors, but Allie had her own gifts. She could remember the lines from any romantic comedy she’d ever seen with the accuracy of a sci-fi geek memorizing Battlestar Galactica. She could apply makeup like a painter. She was a veritable celebrity historian: She knew the height, weight, dating history, and clothing preference of every major star. And at least she was eating pot stickers again.
Days later, Allie waved her acceptance letter around (after gold-outing the J) and said goodbye to her supportive parents.
And here she was, a green-eyed butterfly flying toward a new beginning on a top secret mission to Get Over Him.
“Sixty seconds until we enter the communication-free zone. No texting, no phoning, no Internet,” announced the British voice.
“For how long?” Allie asked the speaker above her head.
“Until you return to the mainland.”
“Fifty seconds.”
What? Allie felt her stomach twirl like the food court’s Jamba Juice machine. If she couldn’t let Fletcher and Trina know how awesome her life was without them, what was the point? She whipped out her Samsung and began typing.
Allie read it over. Did the message imply I am fine without you? I have moved on? I have more talent than Trina?
“Twenty seconds.” A countdown appeared where Leo’s face had been. It smelled like loneliness.
Allie’s thumb hovered over the send button. The text was missing something, something that stung like a thousand tiny slaps. Something that—
“Nine seconds.”
“Got it!” Allie half smiled, mindful of smudging her mole, and then added a few final lines.
----------------------------there was more to this but Lisi cut it.
Here's an intro on those three: (thank you new fresh alphas site! check out my clique links)
Making superfast connections with boys
Body Alive Dancewear muse
I dance circles around the competition. Literally.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I know its been super long since ive last posted. soooo sorry.
Boys R Us is out since the beginning on July but since Im vacaing on the other side of the Atlantic ocean and they dont have it in France I cant read it... yet. So id looove to know how it turned out.
Thank you Fred for the back of the book description of BOYS R US.
PC is out. MAC is in.
Massie Block: After disbanding the Pretty Committee, Massie takes charge like Visa, forming OCD’s hawtest clique yet: Massie And Crew. Even though money can’t buy love, it can buy new friends . . . or at least model-actresses who will act like your besties until you get real ones. Lights, camera, MACtion!
Alicia Rivera: Hearts her new role as alpha of the Soul-M8s, BOCD’s first ever boy-girl clique. But when the boys head back to the newly renovated Briarwood Academy, will the remaining Soul-M8s become 4Squares?
Dylan Marvil: Is happy times ten to finally have a crush who’s crushing back, especially since they luh-v all the same things: marshmallows, lip-kissing, and chugging Red Bull. Buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrp!
Kristen Gregory: Scored three goals on the soccer field last week— and Massie’s crush . . . which earned her an ejection from her ex- BFF’s heart. Can Massie forgive and forget, or is Kristen out of the game forever?
Claire Lyons: Has declared herself neutral in the battle of the cliques. But dividing her time among Massie, the Soul-M8s, and Cam has left her stretched thinner than extra-small Spanx. Can she get her friends to reunite, or will she be forced to pick a side once and for all?"
~Whats next from the Clique:
The Clique Prequel: Charmed and Dangerous: The rise of the Pretty Committee.
Happy New Clique!
Once upon a time, in Westchester and Orlando, there were four betas just waiting for their alpha. It took a miracle to bring the Pretty Committee together—or rather, a New Years Yves party. Because sometimes when you meet someone, it just cliques. Available 10/27/09.
When it comes to ah-dorable clothes, lip-kissing, and comebacks, the Pretty Committee is always prepared. You can be too with the CLIQUETIONARY—your source for all things CLIQUE.
Available November 2009 . . . Just in time for the holla-days!

- from the pick a poppy web
If your in the clique less fortunate pile like me, click here to read the first chapter of BRU!
The Alphas: the fresh new series by Lisi Harrison (all of you who read this should thank her times ten: she wrote like, five books in a year for us.)
WIN BIG: the entire series YOURS. submit now.
The nitendo game of the Clique: Diss and Make-up is coming out August 25. Yay! (reminder for all of those who bought the Clique DVD: unlock a code meant for the game when you put your dvd in your comp)
heres how to play: go on lisis blah-g and read all about it! the lucky lisi already has it!
heres an extrait of Charmed and Dangerous:
6:01 PM
“Bonne Annéeeeeee!” Kendra Block trilled into the phone with gushing enthusiasm.
“Happy New Year darling!” Massie’s father added over swirling laughter, clinking champagne flutes, and Auld Lang Sine. “I love you!”
“I love you tooooo!” Massie shouted back. But from the stillness of her crisp navy blue and white bedroom those words sounded hollow, lonely, forced; like whoo-hooing on a private riding trail after a blanketing snowfall.
She eyed the swamp-green screen on her Motorola flip phone.
Was it really midnight in Paris?
It was like her mom and dad rode a time machine six hours into the future. Even though they were parents, Massie envied them.
They already knew if their night was magical; if their outfits would inspire copycats…if their jokes were lol-worthy…if their conversation topics were charming… if their New Years Eve story had a happy ending…if—
“Where are you?” Kendra asked, oozing giddiness.
“M’room.” Massie plopped onto the edge of her navy duvet and flexed her toes. Was silver polish fun or done? Class or crass? Mature or manure? Gawd, if only there was some kind of list that told girls what was in and what was out…
“Open your door,” Kendra giggled.
“Huh? Why?”
“Go!” Kendra insisted with mock frustration.
Massie slid off the edge of her bed, her gold silk kimono sparking and snapping with static electricity.
“Does she like it?” William asked in the background.
“Shhhhh,” Kendra hissed. “She didn’t see it yet.” She squeaked with burst-at-the-seams impatience. “Is the door open? Are you there yet?”
“Almost,” Massie padded across the white wool rug, heart revving. Was it the tiny black pug she had been begging for? Oh puh-leaase make it the tiny black pug she had been begging for! With a big red bow atop her mini head a diamond-bone charm anklet. That would semi make-up for her mother’s holiday “surprise” where she transformed Massie’s three-shades of pink boudoir into a showroom for Tommy Hilfiger. Blue, red and white everything. It put the nawt in nautical. But she decided to put up with it because the decorator assured her it was “fresh” and Massie’s best friends agreed.
“Okay, I’m here,” she gripped the brass anchor-shaped doorknob.
“Eeeeeeeee!” screeched Kendra. “Openit! Openit! Openit!”
Turning the anchor slowly, so as not to startle the pup, Massie cracked the door and peered out. Expecting a nose full of new puppy smell, she inhaled deeply. All she got was the sharp floral scent of Crabtree and Evelyn’s Spring Rain Home Spray, her mom’s favorite.
Massie lowered her gaze ready to make contact with a pair of moist black eyes. Eyes that would pulsate hearts for her new master and—
“Ew!” She blurted at the sudden appearance of a women’s bare feet. Size nine. Calloused. Dry. Neglected.
A plaid flannel nightgown skimmed her ankles and tented her stocky body. Strands of long black hair, freed from its tight bun, but contorted from hours of captivity, clung to the glistening Ponds Cold Cream slathered on the side of her face.
“Happy New Year,” she held a Tiffany’s box in her palm and smiled warmly.
Ignoring the housekeeper, Massie peered left, then right. Was the pug hiding? Was she part two of her parent’s guilt gift? Was the blue box a red herring?
But, as usual, nothing in the hallway seemed out of place. The only panting came from Inez, who must have been instructed to run up the winding staircase before Massie opened the door.
“Do you love it?” Her mother asked.
“Does she love it?” Her father echoed.
Sensing Massie’s paralyzing disappointment, Inez opened the box for her. “Beauuuutiful,” the housekeeper hooked the glistening gold charm bracelet and dangled it under Massie’s jutting chin.
“It has all of your favorite things on it,” Kendra explained. “A high heel shoe, a dollar sign, a horse, a diamond encrusted bell—for the diamonds obviously, not the bell— and a pig.”
“A pig?”
“Yes, you wanted one for Christmas only we’ve had the hardest time finding housebroken breeds so we—”
“Mohhhm, I wanted a pug, nawt a pig.”
Kendra gasped in horror. “William,” she called into the party noise. “She wanted a pug, not a pig!…I know….huge relief!” Her lips returned to the mouthpiece. “Those are so much easier to find, darling. We’ll get one as soon as we return to the États-Unis.”
“Yay!” Massie pinched the bracelet off of Inez’s finger and slid it on her wrist. Aside from the mistaken-bacon it was kind’a cute. And no one else had one…yet.
Fireworks soared and popped on the other end of the call. Massie knew just how they felt. She was finally going to get a puppy! A confidant. A real best friend.
“Oh, and we got you an Eiffel Tower charm that is ab-so-lutley chaaarming,”she giggled at the pun.
Massie’s phone beeped.
The screen flashed “Ahnna”.
Her palms began to sweat.
One last firecracker whistled in the background then fizzled out.
The phone beeped again.
Ignoring the call would mean violating Ahnna’s strict ‘talk or walk’ policy: an offence that would put her in social solitary for an entire weekend. No phone calls, emails, IMs, or gossip alerts. She had to act. Now.
and now instead of reading the cute clique books you can listen to them. awsome! thank lisi and the invention of ipods. click here to listen to samples of the book.
And for all of you who wanted me to post a new entry... you just got served.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Clique will be on Lifetime TV TONIGHT at 9 pm eastern and 8 central. Thank you Kim and Elizabeth for sending me the e-mail.
7. What do you like doing beside acting?I love dancing. I take Jazz, Hip Hop, and Ballet. I also love to sing.
8. I just heart Alicia's wardrobe. Did her style influence what you wear now? (btw, I also like the matching leopard print outfit you had on when you shop with Claire, I think)
I loved the leopard print outfit too! That was my favourite one. Her style got me to dress more classy, definately. Before, I was still a fashion-freak, but now it has gone up. Not only Alicia's wardrobe inspired me though. I loved the bohemian styles that Dylan would wear, and Massie would wear things i like, along with Kristen. I even adored some things on Claire.
EHMAGAWD!!!! So sad Lisi couldn't post today =( But I hope she's having a good time with her family.
Alot of you have sent me artwork from polyvore! I ah-dore that~! But you guys have to send me the link to the picture so I can post it here.... So a big sorry to Nicole, Amanda, Clique4evr, and Dm&m! I loved the matches you found for the Clique characters!! You guys are like really awesome with that!
Monday, June 8, 2009
LEt's hit off with Sam Boscarino interview questions:
3. How was it like shooting The Perfect Game?
The Perfect Game was awesome, all the cast members were so nice. It really got me more connected with baseball.
4. Describe Alicia's style in the movie.
Alicia's character in the movie is a very stylish character, and shes sassy.
Sam wanted to point out that her only OFFFICIAL TWITTER is is NOT HER. PLEASE STOP POSING PEOPLE.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Lisi mentioned in her post that it was called Diss and Make up. I guess that's its real name.

Annnd I was looking up Lisi Harrison awn Little Brown and Company website and I found this:
"Poppy climbs to the top with Alphas created by Lisi Harrison, first in a Clique spin-off series set at Alpha Academy; Silent Night, Holy Fight by Lisi Harrison, a Clique novella that finds the Pretty Committee partying over the holidays"
How awesome is that? Not only will the CLique-tionary come out but, The Alphas, Boys R Us, These Boots Are Made For Stalking, Charmed and Dangerous: The rise of the Pretty Committee, and now a novella called Silent Night, Holy fight!!! Lisi sure is working hard. =)
Here's the second interview from Samantha Boscarino; I pinky promised remember?
2. Did you read PS I Loathe You? If so, do you like the way Alicia acted?
Ive read PS I Loathe You, and its a great novel. Alicia is a very Sassy character, and tends to break Massie's rules. I think she just needed a break from Massie, so she started her own squad.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sorry for posting soo late but I couldn't anyways. Last time I posted I said I would post the interview with Samantha Boscarino. I changed my idea: I'll post one question evry time I post. Soo I would much appreciate it that if you post these questions anywhere else you would give me credit.
Anyways, Thanks again to Sam who's amzing and awesome for answering my questions. =)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
If you answer the following trivia quesiton awn the Clique correctly you might get sent Samantha Boscarino's Xclusive interview to your e-mail one day before I post it. I will post it Sunday so please E-MAIL me to with your answer and you might win. (lol. this idea is ridiculous but ill go with it)
If I had to describe Sam in one word I would sayyyy:
super nice! (put that into one word) =)
What does Alicia say in PS I Loathe You when Josh hands her his sweater so her blouse won't get wet when the PC goes to the amusement park?
Most of you think you are most like:
Massie..................................... 30%
Claire....................................... 13%
Dylan....................................... 8%
Alicia........................................ 26%
Kristen..................................... 17%
Layne....................................... 1%
Olivia........................................ 3%
Thank you times 10 to all the 199 people who voted. Next time lets aim for 200 ;)
PS: I changed heading pic to Alicia for a change. It will probably stay like that for a couple of months. After Alicia it'll be Dylan. I pinky promise I'll alternate. Because we all have our Clique favorite. ;)
Alpha Girl
Other real quick update here's another video in which Bridget Mendler is in. This time with Selena Gomez. Check it out here.
And Lisi posted on her Blah-g!!! Here's a page from The Alphas:
Westchester, NY
Body Alive Dance Studio
Thursday, July 22nd
11:37 a.m.
There were five Skye Hamiltons in the Body Alive Dance Studio. One on each mirrored wall and one in the flesh. As in-the-flesh Skye step-turn-step-plié-step-fan-step-ball-changed, the reflections followed. So did the nine other girls in Atelier No. 1. Or at least they tried.
A trickle of sweat slithered from the base of Skye’s tightly bunned blond waves down the back of her pale blue leo. She drew her shoulder blades back (even more), trying to pinch the salty snake, not because she was embarrassed, but because she could. Her body always did what it was told. All she had to do crank up the music and ask.
“And one . . . twooo . . . thu-hree . . . fourrrr . . . five . . . six . . . seh-vuuuun . . . eight.” Madame Prokofiev slow-clapped to the jazzy ooze of Michael Bublé’s “Fever” while scanning her students for TICS (Timing, Incongruity, Carelessness, and Smiles). As always, her scrutinizing brown eyes whizzed past Skye like two bullets aimed at someone else.
“Too wristy, Becca!” She clapped. “Less chin, Reese.” Clap. “Rollllllll the knee, Wendi. Don’t poke.” Clap. Clap. “And I swear on my tendons, Heidi, if you don’t fix that posture, I’m going to use you as a throw pillow!”
Chignoned and clad in a no-nonsense black cami with matching flare dance pants, the aging brunette looked like a prima ballerina laced up tighter than a pair of toe shoes. Yet she moved like honey and stung like a bee.
Skye loved her.
Charged by Madame P’s silent approval, Skye added a turn before the freeze, then came out of it with hands in prayer pose, or rather, a Bollywood Namaste Flower. The routine hadn’t called for it—her instincts had. She’d downloaded the MIA track from Slumdog, and like some people got songs stuck in their heads, Skye had this one stuck in her body.
“Enough.” Madame P clapped sharply, the frown lines in her passion-wrinkled forehead bunched like loose leg warmers. Had she gone too far with her flower?
All nine dancers stop-panted. But Skye’s heart kept hitch-kicking against her rib cage. Finally, she crossed her arms over her B-minus cups and ordered it to take five.
She lined up with her dance BFFs Missy Cambridge, Becca Brie, Leslie Lynn Rubin, and Heidi Sprout. Like Skye, her besties were blond—two in braids, two with ponies—and wore identical pink balloon skirts over gray leotards and tights (BADS Anna Pavlova Collection). Skye had added her signature sleeves; today’s were black mesh with five mini sterling silver locker keys dangling from the holes—one for each of her friends. Every time she moved they jingled, adding a little extra something to the otherwise humdrum musical score.
“Flair, ladies.” Madame P heel-toed to the center of the room, clucking her tongue in disappointment. “Dance is not just knowing the steps. It’s interpreting them.” She winked at Skye, releasing her from the scold. “So please try to remember. We’re doing Twyla, not Twilight, so stop sucking!”
Lisi also said something about someone being expelled. Sounds like the It Girl already. =)
Monday, April 13, 2009
QU (Quick Update)
This is really quick update. And by quick I mean short....
Anyways last post I told you Bridget was playing Penny in JONAS which has been confirmed by her youtube page and her imdb page.
Here's a sneak peek at her in JONAS.
She also says she's gonna play in a movie but it's NOT the second Clique movie. Oh well. =)
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ohkay anyways, one of my blog readers would like me to point out her website:
And if you have any questions to ask Samantha Boscarino please e-mail them to
And Keli Price, who plays Chris Abeley, has an official website too. So click here for more Clique pictures. BTW His official wesite is
Here's something funny he posted:
"Things got pretty funny once the horse scenes started. One day, I got all my gear on for riding practice and it was soooo cold that day, so I was extra bundled up. My dad was with me and he insisted that I wear 10 layers. LOL. There I was, the Michelin man with a riding helmet. Elizabeth shows up and takes one look at me and starts cracking up. I said, "Do I look that funny?" she just kept laughing. I got the hint.
Elizabeth has a new pic on her imdb page. Check it out here.
And Bridget is right now filming her role as Penny in JONAS. Cool, huh ?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I just found out (I know I'm slow), that Ellen Marlow got press in the New York Post!!! Check it out here. She's in a picture too.
Ellen MArlow has also been rumored to be filming a Television film with ABC produced by Jerry Bruckheimer (for full details of his work click here.) Which has been confirmed by Ellen Marlow's official website.
The Clique movie website was closed down but now is opened with cute pictures from the film.
And I also found out that Samantha Boscarino (ALicia) has an official website that I will soon be adding to my clique links. Ahw-some! I found out that Sam played in a professional Baseball Team last year so her role in the Perfect Game is, well, perfect!
Below is a picture of Sam with her miniature pet yorkie, Tootsie!
Alphas always win...
Alphas do win. And Skye Hammilton knows that. Which brings me to my point. Lisi yesterday posted the cover of The Alphas. It looks so ah-mazing! Even though she says it's not the finished version it looks pretty as it is now.
And this is what Lisi has to say
" Today I am going to show you the cover for Alphas. I love it almost as much as I love the book. Ignore the “created by Lisi Harrison.” That’s a mistake. It should say By Lisi Harrison. It’s not the final cover yet but it’s super-close. See the half-picture of a girl? Well, when you open the inside flap you will see all of her. That’s Skye Hamilton–or rather, my publisher’s vision of Skye Hamilton. Feel free to have your own.
And this is part of her Alpha Academy application. We will show a different character’s application on the next book in the series and so on. "
Isn't the idea genius? Oh here's the picture of Skye. She's holding pointe shoes, see? Dance shoes.
As my title says, Alphas always win. Massie is an alpha. Massie should win too. This is why Elizabeth McLaughlin has been nominated "Favorite Newcomer- Female" for The Clique by Pop Star magazine for their "Poptastic!" Awards. You can vote for her here. It would be sooo awesome if she won! deadline is May 5.
And if I didn't mention before the Clique book website has new downloads so make sure to check it out here.
And check out Massie's Current State of the Union here to see what's in and what's O-U-T.
The Clique also has a facebook if you didn't know. And FYI right now it has 1 499 fans. Yay!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
5:35 P.M.
Claire Lyons trudged across the immaculately manicured lawn of the Block Estate, feeling the same way she felt after a worthy contestant got voted off American Idol: Technically, she hadn’t been the one everyone text-rejected. But she felt the sting just the same.
Cam Fisher flirt-punched her shoulder. “You okay?”
“Huh?” Claire glanced up at her crush. The warmth in Cam’s one blue eye and one green eye shielded her against the late afternoon chill. She buried her hands inside the sleeves of the burgundy Briarwood Tomahawks jersey she wore over grey leggings and flirt-punched him back. “Easy!”
“Ow!” He laughed. A grape bubble gum-scented cloud puffed from his mouth. It smelled like love.
“Worried about Massie?” Cam slipped his arm around her shoulder and left it there for approximately three Mississippi’s before stuffing it back in the pocket of his red hoodie.
Claire nodded, nibbling her Blistex-coated bottom lip to keep from purring. Now was not the time to think about how she and Cam were so close or how he could practically read her mind. And now was definitely not the time to sneak an intoxicating noseful of Drakkar Noir. Now was the time to focus on being there for Massie, since the rest of the Pretty Committee was avoiding her way Lindsay avoided food.
It had been less than forty-eight hours since Alicia, Dylan, and Kristen had boycotted Massie’s Friday night sleepover, but to Claire, it felt longer than lent. She’d spent most of that time fielding four-way texts and calls from her friends, having no idea how to respond. Dylan vented about how she and Derrington could have taken their crush public a week earlier if it weren’t for Massie holding her back. Alicia bragged how much better her cheer squad, the Heart-Nets, was going to be than Massie’s, since Alicia was a superior choreographer. And Kristen kept moaning about bad sushi.
Massie, on the other hand, hadn’t reached out since Claire and Cam had shown up to her sleepover and found her totally alone. Her silence felt eerie, like the calm before the doors opened for a 75 percent off sale at BCBG. Because madness was sure to follow.
“Do you really think Alicia and Dylan’ll stay mad forever?” Cam’s gentle voice brought Claire back.
She wished she could tell Cam that the Pretty Committee would be back together before dinner. But Alicia and Dylan seemed done with Massie’s rigid, Lycra-ing ways. Done with the alpha controlling who they crushed on, what they wore, and what they did with their Friday nights. Actually, Claire understood their frustration better than anybody. Before Massie, she’d been perfectly content with her non-designer wardrobe. Now, she could barely walk past an Old Navy without imagining being shot at by a round of deadly comebacks.
“Dunno,” she replied honestly. She tried not to think about what could happen if her friends stayed mad. Sure, Lycra kept a tight hold on things. It could even feel suffocating. But it also held everything in its place. Without Massie, the Pretty Committee could fall apart. And where would that leave Claire?
“Sucks,” he offered, obviously trying to sound sympathetic and male at the same time.
It was adorable that Cam thought he knew just how dire the situation was. But no matter how many times Claire tried to explain, he couldn’t possibly understand. At this point a reunion for the Pretty Committee seemed less likely than a five-year wedding anniversary for Spencer and Heidi.

-Sophie tells us that she might have an upcoming project, which is really cool.
PS: I have gotten ALOT of questions on the official Clique models' names. I would like to thank Massie for telling me there name for ALicia model is Samantha Betzag and the name for Dylan is Kara-Lynn Gonchar. And a reminder from my older post that Massie model's name is Tsanira Merrin.