Monday, December 22, 2008

Poll results!

Hey people!

The results are in and I thank each and everyone that voted. =)

The question was "Whats number one awn your holiday wish list?"

Winner... Im waiting for PS I Loathe You and Boys R Us

the Clique box set .... 9 %
The Clique DVD... 6 %
a Clique book ... 12 %
I'm waiting for PS I Loathe You and Boys R Us ... 59 %
sommething nawt realted to the clique... 9 %
I already have those things... 3 %

Thanks again for voting!!! The poll is momentarily closed for the Holidays. Sorry!


~ A

Monday, December 15, 2008

New POST!!! finally...

Hey people!

Sorry I haven't been posting that much but htere really hasn't been any news... That's really sad, I know. It IS a good thing that they will still have Best Friends For Never as a movie.

BTW, Samantha Boscarino (Alicia)'s upcoming movie Perfect Game, is based awn a tuh-rue story. It's nawt out yet but now you can visit the official site to learn more about it here. Nothing about Samantha Boscarino is mentioned yet though.

Oh and I'm sorry to say that The Clique Movie community is closing Decmber 31. Eh-ma-gawd !
That means no more boards, no more tpc news, no more gallery, and no more anything! So for all of you that don't believe me look below for the full details or click here to view original post.

Hey GLUs,
We have reached the end of all the scheduled activity for The Clique movie, so the online community will be closing on December 31.

Hanging out here with you has been AH-MAZING and we’re really sad to see it come to an end. That’s why we’re heading to the mall for some retail therapy.

P.S. Here are answers to your most-asked questions:

Q: When is The Clique online community ending?
A: At midnight (Eastern Time) on December 31, 2008, all community activity on the site will end.

Q: Where can I connect with other Clique fans after December 31?
A: There are so many ah-mazing Clique communities out there! Our faves are these:

Q: Will I still be able to buy The Clique DVD after December 31?
A: Definitely.

Q: Are you making more Clique movies?
A: You’ll have to wait & see what’s to come!

Q: How will we know if the community starts up again?
A: We’ll let you know ay-sap! We’ll email you and we’ll contact Lisi Harrison and all our Clique friends and ask them to spread the word.

Q: I have posted an original story – will I have access to it after December 31?
A: No, so make sure you save a copy for yourself before December 31.

Q: Will I still be able to read posts on the boards after December 31?
A: No, you will not be able to access any part of the site.

Q: How will I know if I won one of the prizes for December?
A: We will alert all prize winners by email in January.

Eh-ma-gawd! Thank gawd for Ew-tube and all these ah-mazing sites!!!

To see a video with Tyra Banks , Ellen Marlow, and Elizabeth McLaughlin click here


~ very sad A

PS: I think that they will probably re-open the site when Best Friends For Never will start filming... Yay!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

BLAH-G update

Hey People!

Lisi updated her BLAH-G with ah-mazing tips awn DIY gifts without spending too much money over the holidays. Here's some of it:

"Oh, and one more thing. The Blah-g will be taking a holiday break. Or rather I will be. I am breaking up with my Mac until the new year so I can take the first vacation I’ve taken in 6 years. So please wait for me. I will be back and maybe even tanned in 2009. Wednesday January 7th to be exact. That’s when I’ll tell you all about Boys R Us aaannnndddd the title and some details of the prequel. Pinky Swear. "

Yeah, I know she didn't leak awn her books awn this post , but as you just read she will (next year). Click here to read all of it.

Also, The clique book site finally updated and it's real good. You can enter to win a 1, 000$ shopping spree in NYC.

To read Massie Current State of the union click here.

Ellen Marlow (Claire Lyons) was awn Cold Case November 9. For those who haven't seen it you can check out her pictures here from set.

Also for those who have read Talent by Zoey Dean, her official book site is updated and really cool so you can check it out here if you want.


~ A

Saturday, December 6, 2008

BLAH-G update and more! read here...

Hey people!

Sorry I haven't been posting lately but it was my birthday aannnndddd I happened to be sick. But I'll make it up to you. So anyways, Lisi updated her BLAH-G. It was ah-mazing. It didn't talk about the interesting prequel or any upcoming books but it's still a 'sneak peek into the fabulous life of Lisi Harrison'. Funny. Anyways here's a bit from it but you can see the whole thing here.

"Today’s shout out goes to Kierstyn. Did you see all of those ah-mazing questions and words of wisdom she posted? Funny, inspiring, and goofy–the key to good entertainment if you ask me. In fact, she motivated me to think of some of the guiding principals in my life and share them with you. The following are the top five things I think or do that no one knows about…until now."

We also have an interview with Harriet Greenspan and Susan Putnam, the AH-MAZING team responsible for casting the perfect Clique cast.

Here's what they had to say:

Q: Did you audition a lot of girls for The Clique?
A: So many top talented actresses came in to read for The Clique – everyone wanted to be in this movie! I think we saw between 350 and 400 girls in person, plus people all over the country created audition tapes and mailed them to us. We also got calls from producers and directors asking if they could bring their daughters into read because their girls had read all the books and were such big fans.

Q: Did all of those girls audition for only one part?
A: No - we auditioned some actresses for multiple roles and mixed and matched them until we had our ideal group. In the end, here’s how many actresses we considered for each of the lead roles:
Massie – 142
Claire – 95
Alicia – 65
Dylan – 30
Kristen – 50
Layne – 50

The whole interview was 6 questions and if you'd like to check it all out click here. I only posted two of my fav questions.

Also: Next fall is nawt only the time when The ALPHAS come out but the time where THE CLIQUE nitendo DS game comes out!!! How incredible!?!! I heart that idea. Inside scoop: If you isert your Clique DVD in your computer you get a code for the to-be video game to insert inside the Pretty Committee's cell phone.

Plus: Inserting your DVD in your computer will give you exclusive wallpapers to download. Ahw-some!

If you click here you can find a really cool calender to download of the Clique. It's a little fiffrent from the Bratfest at Tiffany's one: the models are diffrent. But apart from that it's still pretty much the same. BTW, you have to scroll down a little to see it.

And i wanted to mention that we have a new affiliate! It's a really cool site where you can sign up for classes just like OCD! You get updates and inside scoops! There's a reason this site's awn my page... =) (Look under affiliates and click the clique academy).


~ A

PS: Reminder: To be an affiliate you have to e-mail me or leave a comment with
Site's name:
Site's URL:
Ruh-les: HAS TO BE related to the Clique. I'll check the site out and ah-pprove or diss-agree if your site should be awn here.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poll results

Hey people!

The results are in! Thanks times 10 to all the people that voted. =)
The question was ' Are you going to buy the Clique DVD?"

And most of you guys voted... Given!

Given ... 82 %
No, I don't like some of the actresses in it ... 3 %
There's a Clique DVD ? ... 3 %
What? I already have it! Pre-ordering is made for something! ... 10 %

Thanks again to all that have voted. reminder: all polls last 2 weeks


~ A

PS: Tyra's site posted a Clique quiz after the cast isited her. Check it out here.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Boys R Us and PS i Loathe You

Hey people!

As most of you know, the next Clique book is called 'Boys R Us'. It will be comming out Jully 7, 2009, the next book after PS I Loathe You. Scandelous much?

The plot for PS I Loathe You (thank you Erin):

Massie Block: When the Pretty Committee deems its boy-fast null and void, boy fever sweeps through BOCD. What better way to back-handspring into new crush Dempsey's heart-and make old crush Derrington jealous-than cheer for him on the soccer field? And just like that, Massie forms BOCD's first-ever cheerleading squad. But will Massie still have something to cheer about when Dempsey starts spending ah lot of time with LBR Layne Abeley? Give me an "E" for Ehmagawd!

Kristen Gregory: With Massie and her SBFF (secret best friend forever) Layne vying for the same boy, Kristen has to make a choice: A) the Pretty Committee, or B) the Witty Committee. And if she doesn't choose fast, she'll end up C) Committeeless.

Dylan Marvil: Is hiding something, and it's not just those peanut butter Luna bars stashed under her mattress. She's got a secret crush on Derrington-and it's no secret that he likes burpilicious redheads. . . .

Alicia Rivera: Prefers pliés to pom-poms, especially when Massie orders her to the bottom of the cheer-pyramid. Can Alicia accept her beta status, or is it time to become alpha of her own squad?

Claire Lyons: Now that she's back with Cam, Claire finally has her love life in order. But her friends are trading crushes like styling tips. Will the Pretty Committee survive the boy-swap intact, or is the Clique about to come apart at the seams?

The Cover for Boys R Us:

Isn't it ah-dorable???

Paperback, 272 pages. Can't wait!


~ a

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

GL and Lisi

Hey people!
Lisi updated her Blah-g! How cool? Too cool! She talks about the book she's working awn now. I won't say but I can quote can she said:
" Okay so what am I working on now you ask??? It’s major. I’l tell you that much. It’s hardcover. It will be out at the end of next year. Aaaaand it’s a Clique prequel. All about the magical and special night that the Pretty Committee met. And yes, Claire will be represented even though she didn’t technically meet the Pretty Committee until they were already established. How is that possible? Oh it is my friends. It is. And it just may be my favorite Clique book ever. I have a title but I’m waiting for my editor to give it the okay before I spill. I should have that by next week so stay tuned. And of course I’ll be giving you little bits of info as I write. I love doing that. I also love telling people what I bought them for their birthdays because I get so excited I can’t hold back. So prepare to get some juicy info over the next few months because this bucket is gonna leak. :) "

How ah-dorable?!! Well I'll keep you guys posted, because this is worth MAJOR gossip points!!!
Oh , and by the way, here are the pics Lisi promised:

To see the whole BLAH-G , click here.

Also, Elizabeth McLaughlin had a short interview with Girl's Life magazine. Click here to see it.
~ Anne

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Build-a-bear Wii launch...

Hey people!

Remember that I've mentioned the Build-a-bears that were going to be autioned by the Clique Cast? Well, here's more info:

- it's supporting the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern California
- under the name "rwestpr" you'll find the bears listed (eBay)
- More bears from other celebrities like the Jonas Brothers, James Gandolfini, Bonnie Hunt, Tori Spelling, Debby Ryan, Jason Dolley, and much more!!!
- Every bear comes w/ a Build-a-bear wii game

Ellen Marlow (Kuh-laire Lyons) Note: How ah-dorable are the overalls???
Elizabeth McLauglin (Massie Block)
Sophie Everhard (Dylan Marvil) Note: her little sister, Olivia Everhard ,will be auctioning a bear too!!!
Samantha Boscarino (Alicia Rivera )
Ellen Marlow, Samantha Boscarino, Sophie Everhard, Elizabeth McLaughlin
Sophie Everhard and Elizabeth McLaughlin

~ A

The Clique awn The Tyra Show!

Hey people!

The Clique Cast awn The Tyra Show ! Word is officially out. Tune in Friday, november 28 to see The Clique Cast awn The Tyra Show!!! Click here to see the ad. BTW, it will also show stuff about "Twilight" and rapper , Eve.


~ A

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sophie Everhard Updates...

Hey people!

Sophie everhard (Dylan Marvil) has uploads on her site (found under 'Clique Links' on the right) . Click here to see a Q&A about her. She also talks about a bear called "Dylan Beary Marvil" that she made at Build-a-Bear that she will be auctoning w/ the other Clique Cast Members on Ebay.


~ A

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Borders signing ...

Hey people!
Here are some pics of the signing at Borders with Lisi, Elizabeth, and Ellen...

We also heard that Paige won the raffled Clique Movie poster...



Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New Clique Videos!

Hey people!

To see the new Clique videos (12 new ones you absolutly cannawt miss!) Go here. It has two scenes from the movie and other super cool ones!.


~ A

Customer review

Hey people!

As you may know the Clique movie came out yesterday. Most people have bought the DVD so I am posting a Customer review so you may have some insughts (if you haven't already bought it). I posted it below. I also posted more pics. Be sure to check every pic out awn my flickr site (right).

To the people who bought "The Clique" from Amazon, read the first review 'cause there are faulty batches! Anyway, back to the movie.
Okay, I started reading the Clique when I was 12 and that was 4 years ago. Now I'm 16 and the Clique girls are still 12 in the very first movie. Remembering back to the very first book and watching this movie is surreal. The movie is almost nothing how I pictured the book in my mind, but they do a very nice, accurate portrayal of the book.
The movie follows the basic plot line, includes many of the characters, ha very interesting fashion, actually has the IMing and State of the Union parts, and quoted many of the funny lines from the book.
Although there were parts of the book that I missed (like the whole tights trend and the Massie insights), the most obvious jump from book to movie were the main characters. Alicia wasn't busty enough, but the whole "rubbing boobs together" part took on a whole new meaning. Massie acted a little too forced sometimes. Kristen wasn't sporty enough. However, this are minute details. I definitely recommend this to all Clique fans because while it may be very different from what we saw in our minds, it still tells the timeless tale of fitting-in and insecurities with the "loveable" characters and their lines that we know!

Great? Nawt so good... Did you expect it this way? Share your opinion awn the movie so comment!



PS: i had trouble with the pics so i will nawt be posting them. =( sry

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DVD release!

Hey people!
The Clique DVD comes out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is that??? Are YOU going to buy it? I am! SO to celebrate this momment I have loads of updates! Elizabeth McLaughlin has an OFFICIAL site now so check it out! I put it under Clique links so now it's only a "clique" away! It has awsome videos and pics. Learn more about her and what she likes so check it out! She also says that she will post daily video updates so check in!

Poll is closed and will be re-opened in a while. The question was if you could switch your wardrobe you would you switch it with: the winner was "MASSIE" so Congrats to her!

Massie 60 %
Alicia 30 %
Kristen 3%
Dylan 3%
Claire 3%

SO now here are more updates... If you haven't bought the clique movie here are some stuff you might want to know... The Clique movie is usually sold for 19.99 (EX: Circuit City) BUT you can buy it for 14.99 at Target! Given (saw add)
MORE pics were uploaded awn the Clique Movie site. Check here to see them. You get to see some auction part-ay pics, claire and Todd hiding under Massie's bed, AND... the TPC getting back to Claire. plus more.
Here are some pics: (nawt from the same link)

Ellen Marlow(Claire) in a fight with Elizabeth mcLaughlin (Massie), Samantha Bosacarino (Alicia), Bridget Mndler (Kristen), and Sophie Everhard (Dylan)

Massie Block (ELizabeth McLaughlin) and Chris Abeley (Keli Price)

Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie Block) training for the horseback riding scene.


~ Anne

Monday, November 17, 2008

Ellen Marlow interview!!!

Hey people!

The Clique movie posted an interview with Ellen Marlow (Claire Lyons) awn their site. It's pretty cool so I posted two of my fav Q&A below. Be sure to check out the whole thing here.

Q: Tell us about Claire’s wardrobe in the movie.
A: Claire has interesting clothes. The first time you see me, I’m wearing overalls and a shirt with fruit on it! And I have these big, pink platform Keds. Sophie [Everhard, who plays Dylan] texted me after her first wardrobe fitting and said her entire wardrobe was Marc Jacobs so I got excited and went to see my clothes … and saw overalls and Keds. So, um yeah -- I have some pretty interesting clothing.

Q: So, your characters don’t get along but did you get along with the rest of the girls?

A: We all became friends through the audition process – we became friends really fast. Every time that they were mean to me during a scene, they would come up to me afterwards and apologize. Everyone kind of got upset every time we have to be mean to each other but then we laughed about it later. We messed with each other all the time. It was fun!

Now how cool is that?? Um, for those who are spaced out and don't know the mojor event tomorrow, I'll remind you: THE CLIQUE MOVIE COMES OUT TOMORROW!! too cool!
In an earlier post I gave the link to pre-order it.

And for those who still haven't seen the Clique Girlz video, I suggest you do. It's ah-mazing. It includes never before seen scenes of the Clique movie. Ah-mazing! So check it out here.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Listen to Clique movie soundtrack!

Hey people!

You can now listen to some of the songs in the Clique Movie Sountrack here! The Clique Movie Soundtrack is available in stores now! How exiting!

BTW, I have seen the Clique Movie ads! Just last night! They're just a bit diffrent than trailer number 1 & trailer number 2! Keep watching out for it!
I hope you're EXTREMLY happy and exited that the movie comes out in 3 days!!!

Oh... also JOIN THE CLIQUE is having a contest and giving away an ah-mazing movie pack. Click here to enter.


~ Anne

Friday, November 14, 2008


Hey people !

Lisi updated her BLAH-g and posted who won the signed poster: hint : it wasn't me. She also said she was going to do the same thing with the soundtrack so post up a comment with a Clique boy's name (Cam, Derrington, Josh, Plovert, Kemp, etc...). I'm SO exited: the Clique DVD comes out in 4 days!!! or 3 days; however you want to say it.
Sophie Everhard (Dylan Marvil), e-mailed me telling me she was going to post up a bunch of Q&A on her site (in Clique links) after the movie comes out. She's super nice. She even said good work with the whole blog thing so I guess that's another reason for me to keep posting! =)
I also wanted to remind everyone-that tonight's Tyra Show will be awn special with the Clique but it hasn't been announced for sure yet. Special thanks to anonymous for reminding us.
Then we also have a 5 question interview with Samantha Boscarino (Alicia Revera) who also sings in the Clique Movie Soundtrack (She also wrote the song, Lisi tells us). I posted 2 of my fave questions below and you can see the whole thing here.

Q: What’s your favorite outfit in the movie?
A: My favorite outfit is a Michael Kors leopard trenchcoat and a long sleeve turtleneck with gold buttons. I also have this cool little hat and leopard high heels that are really cute.

: Why do you think Clique fans and people who aren’t yet Clique fans will love this movie?
A: Kids are going to love The Clique because it’s funny, with all the lingo, it has a lot of great style tips and it shows that you don’t always have to be mean and popular to be with the in crowd, you can just be yourself.

Oh, and be sure to check out the Clique Girlz video that can be found in the gallery in the Clique movie Official site. =)


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Interview with Bridget Mendler!

Hey people!

I decided to post a 5 question interview with Bridget Mendler (Kristen Gregory). Also see it here.

Posted on 2008-11-13
You already know that Bridgit Mendler plays Kristen Gregory in THE CLIQUE. But did you know that she auditioned for the part of Claire before she auditioned for Kristen? Do you know which outfit in the movie is her fave? We didn’t…until we got her to spill all about THE CLIQUE. Read on!

Q: What did your friends say when you got this part?

A: Oh my god, everybody I know has read these books and when I told them I got the part they all flipped out. They thought it was really, really cool and really crazy that the books that they’ve read and love were getting turned into a movie.

Q: What’s your favorite outfit in the movie?

A: That’s really hard to pick! All the outfits are just amazing. I really liked the strapless dress I wear at the charity auction. It’s black on top and kind of a pinkish purple that flows to me knees and I get to wear striped pointy stilettos.

Q: Did the movie influence you in any way?

A: The Clique language really rubbed off on us girls. We’d say ah-mazing or ah-dorable just like the girls say even when we were out of character.

Q: Are you excited for the movie to come out?

A: I’m so excited for the movie to come out just because I think that every girl can relate to it. On top of that, a lot of girls have the books so I think this movie of the book coming to life is going to be so much fun.

Q: What part did you audition for?

A: I wanted to audition for Claire because I love being the nice girl. I don’t like it when people think I’m mean in real life because I’m mean on screen. Then they told me to read for Kristen and something about those lines were just easy for me – Kristen’s stressed out about school and I get stressed out easily with school so it just came naturally.

I like the questions they asked so I posted all of them. =) I think that ALL of us are exited for the movie to come out. Dare to disagree? jk.


~ Anne

PS: Only 5 more days 'till the DVD !!! How exiting is that?!?

Interview with Sophie Everhard!

Hey People!

There was an interview posted with Sophie Everhard (Dylan Marvil). She answered 5 really cool questions. Here are two of my fave:

We wanted to know: How did all the cast members getting along?

Sophie spilled: It’s kind of insane, we bonded so fast! We copied the Friday night sleepovers from the book to get into characters. And we TP’d the director’s room one night! I’m sure Dylan [Minette, who plays Claire’s younger brother Todd] and Keli [Price, who plays Chris Abeley] felt a little awkward around so many teenage girls.

We had to know: What’s your favorite outfit in the movie?

Sophie’s reply: I actually got to wear the most expensive piece of clothing in the film! It’s a Marc Jacobs dress and it’s gorgeous! I also love the Vera Wang purple dress I wear in the auction scene with the prettiest shoes ever! I can’t pick which one I like the best.

You can see all 5 questions here.

~ A


Hey people!

it has just been anounced!!! the clique will be on the TYRA SHOW tomorrow, Friday 14, between 8:30 and 9:oo PM. I posted the post below but you can also read the whole post awn the Clique Movie site!!!

Posted on 2008-11-13

Tune in between 8:30 and 9:00 am tomorrow, Friday, November 14, to see Executive Producer Tyra Banks talk about The Clique on the TODAY SHOW! (Unfortunately this segment might be moved or canceled for 'Breaking News' but we really hope it won’t be!)

If you have seen the Clique commercials tell me about it , I haven't seen it yet!

~ Anne

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Signed copy of the Clique DVD!

hey people!

If your in CA , you can get your copy of the Clique DVD signed by Lisi Harrison (author) and Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie) and Ellen Marlow (Claire Lyons)!!! Click here for details.

~ Anne

Pre-order your Clique DVD!

Hey people!

Warner Bros send me a link to pre-order your Clique DVD!! Click here to pre-order.

Here are some pictures:


~ Anne

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PS I Loathe You !

Hey People!

Now who is just dying of waiting until PS I Loathe You comes out? Ever wanted to read the first chapter? I know I would! SO here's your chance... click here to read PS I Loathe You 's first chapter... And if I may want to tell you that Dylan get's cought lip-kissing Derrington! I read the back of the cover of PS I Loathe You, which is coming out February 5. At least that's what it said in the inside of Infamous, the new It Girl novel.

Enjoy your luck!

~ Anne

Clique soundtrack available in stores... NOW !

Hey people!

The Clique sountrack is available NOW! How cool is that??!! I posted the Clique movie's update to prove it's true :

Hey GLUs!

Do you luh-v the music in The Clique Trailers? (We do!)Do you sing along with The Clique Girlz every time “Here With Me Now” starts to play? (We definitely do!)Don’t you wish you could have those tracks and more and play them whenever you want? (We TOTALLY do)!
This is your lucky day! (Ours too!) The soundtrack comes out TODAY!

Our friends at Razor & Tie have made sure it’s available at stores online and in your neighborhood so you can find it at your fave places to shop.

TO view the whole thing click here.

To listen to Break it down (another song from the Clique soundtrack) click here.

I'm also posting a post about the whole soundtrack: it tells you about the cast, and the books.


(New York, NY) - New Line Records/Razor & Tie Entertainment will release the THE CLIQUE: ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK on November 11th. The 14-track album will include brand new pop songs as performed by rising pop-star Tina Sugandh and Interscope recording artist Clique Girlz, as well as The Clique star Samantha Boscarino who sings the song "Find My Place."

TO see that whole post click here.


~ Anne

Clique Movie meets Elizabeth!

Hey people!

I've posted so many things awn Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie Block) that you probably know her by heart. jk. But the Clique movie Official site posted a short interview awn her... click here to see it too.

Meet ElizabethPosted on 2008-11-11
Hey GLUs,

You’ve already gotten
up close with Massie Block. Well, here’s your chance to get to know Elizabeth McLaughlin, the actress who plays Massie in The Clique movie.

We sat down with Elizabeth and asked her five burning questions that we absolutely had to have the answer to. They are:
Q: Did you know about 'The Clique' before the movie?
A: Definitely! The Clique series was actually one of my favorite series, before I even got the audition. When I got the audition for Massie I flipped out. It was surreal to me because I remember reading the books and thinking 'I would love to play Massie in the movie' and then to think I’ve actually done that, it’s mind-blowing.

Q: Is this your first film?
A: It is my first film and I can’t even explain to you how exciting it’s been for me. What a perfect movie to do as your first – you get to wear the best clothes and you get to work with people your own age so you get best friend relationships out of it and then, at the same time, get to play this way cool, really dramatic character. It’s the greatest experience I’ve ever lived through.

Q: What’s great about the Massie character?
A: Massie is so dramatic and she’s so over to the top, which is so much fun to play. And she has the best clothes and the best style. She’s this leader, this alpha that everyone respects and everyone wants to be.

Q: Tell us about the fashion in the movie.
A: Fashion is huge, it’s an influential character by itself. I’m wearing the most fabulous clothing I think I have ever worn in my entire life, it’s amazing! I would get dressed in my trailer and just think 'This is insane!' I would have loved to steal the wardrobe, it’s so amazing.

Q: Do you think Clique fans will like this movie?
A: I think everyone who loves the books will love the movie. I was a fan of the books and honestly, when I first got the script, I was really afraid that they wouldn’t keep true to the books or the characters but they really, really have. All of the actors are trying really hard to be true to the books and be true to the characters.

OMG ! I really like Elizabeth so I'm happy they put up her interview =)


~ Anne

PS; Only 7 more days!!!

Sophie's blog update!

Hey people!

Sophie Anna Everhard (Dylan Marvil) updated her blog and tells us about her trip to NYC to get interviewed for the Tyra Show. I posted it below:

The City That Never Sleeps

Heyy, Sophie here. I just got back from the fabulous New York City after doing publicity for The Clique. It was so much fun! In the morning all of the girls, Lisi and Tyra and I did a bunch of press interviews and (after 3 hours of school) in the afternoon we were all on the Tyra show. The picture above is at the Tyra show in my dressing room that I shared with Sam. I picked out this outfit for the press interviews from one of my favorite stores,
LF. I’ll be sure to let you all know the exact date the Tyra show is going to air.

Sophie Anna

I hope you guys heart her as much as I do... also see it here.


~ A

Young and the Restless...

Hey people!

Seems like Vanessa Marano(Layne Abeley) will be playing in the Young and the Restless now...

It appears that The Young and the Restless actress Erin Sanders has been let go by the show, who has decided to recast Vanessa Marano in the role of Eden Baldwin!

To view the full article click here. Thanks times 10 to Seth for sending it in. =)

To view Vanessa Marano's IMdb click here.


~ Anne

Monday, November 10, 2008

Q&A with Lisi Harrison!!!

Hey people!

The Clique movie site just posted something too cool! :

Q&A with Lisi Harrison
Posted on 2008-11-10

Hey GLUs, We asked Lisi Harrison, author of The Clique books, some of our most burning questions about THE CLIQUE and we have them here, exclusively for YOU! Lisi is a true Alpha (given) and she’s a total GLU (given!). Aw-nestly, we’re not sure it’s possible to put into words how much we ah-dore her!
After you read what she has to say here, you can get more in depth with Lisi on her blah-g. She updates it every Wednesday and you’ll find it at (btw she’s got a pretty fantastic giveaway going on right now so go awn and check it out!)
And, in case you weren’t keeping track, ONLY EIGHT DAYS UNTIL THE CLIQUE MOVIE COMES OUT! We’ve got a ton of stuff going up in the next week so keep checking back for more news and special events!
TTYL, The Clique Team

Q&A with Lisi Harrison

Q: How do you describe the story of The Clique?
A: The Clique is a fish out of water story about a girl named Claire, who moves to an affluent town in Westchester County from Orlando, and is suddenly thrust into a very controlled environment with very controlling people. She is completely freaked out by this foreign world when she enters, but the more people want to keep her out, the harder she tries to get in. At its heart, The Clique is really a book about the lengths that people go to be accepted.

Q: How were you inspired to write The Clique book series?
A: Believe it or not, it wasn’t about my time in middle school, it was my experience in my twenties, working at MTV in New York that inspired me. Everybody working at MTV seemed so desperate to be accepted and loved and to fit in, to wear the right things and have the smartest comebacks, and it just reminded me of what everyone goes through in middle school. And so I took my experiences there [I’m afraid young adult sounds too much like the YA category which is middle school]and just transferred them to a middle school environment.

Q: Why do you think so many girls can relate to the series?
A. I think a universal truth is that the need to be accepted is felt by everyone, and honestly, it never goes away. That feeling you have of wanting to fit in so desperately never goes away no matter how old you are and no matter what your experiences are. I mean, my grandmother is telling me that she and her friends are reading them all!

Q: Describe Massie and Claire:
A: Massie is the character that everybody aspires to be like and yet she’s the one that’s the most insecure. Claire, who is coming to new town with none of the things that everybody else has, she’s the one that’s so desperate to fit in, but she is also the one that seems to be the most confident and most sure of herself and most happy with who she is. But Massie’s not just the queen bee mean girl, and Claire’s not just the wide-eyed new girl. They both are layered and have a lot of things under the surface that get revealed throughout the story, and that was done intentionally because I don’t feel like anybody in the world is just two-dimensional. I think that nice girls have a little mean in them, mean girls have a lot of nice in them.

Q: What can people learn from Massie and Claire?
A: The lesson to walk away with is to look deeper at everybody we encounter and try to figure out what fuels everybody to act the way they do. Massie is fueled to be mean because at the root of it, she’s insecure. Claire is fueled to be a little more devious and cunning because, below that surface, she’s a clever girl that knows what she wants and is determined to get it. But it’s not wrapped up really pretty with a bow at the end. We’re sort of left with some hope - everybody’s changed a little bit, but nobody’s completely perfect. And to me, that’s how life is. We take little steps at becoming great people.

Q: How does it feel to have your book become a movie?

A: I am over the moon about the book becoming a film! Who wouldn’t be so excited about that?

Q: What was it like to meet the cast?
A: I met Elizabeth first. She came down to Laguna Beach to have lunch with me and that was just so incredible. That was the first taste I had of the movie being real. I mean, I would get shots of the casting choices, and hear about the locations but none of it seemed real to me until I went to the set. Then it was very surreal, meeting the girls that are playing my characters - they’re just wonderful.

Q: Is the cast like what you imagined?
A: They’re very much like I imagined. I’m grateful because they were cast so well. I think the readers will be very pleased, too, because we’ve lived with these characters for so long and I feel like they’re being done great deal of justice. Mr. Block’s better looking in the movie, though!

I cannot believe that the Clique movie is coming out in 8 days! It's too good to be true!



Friday, November 7, 2008

Sophie in ad w/ Drake Bell!

Hey people!

I was looking at Sophie Everhard's site (Dylan Marvil), and she posted an ad that had drake Bell and her in it!!!!

Click here to check it out. =)


~ Anne

Ellen Picture

Hey people!

I found a new (kinda) picture of Ellen Marlow ( Claire Lyons). She is holding up a poster of the Clique movie. I posted it below. Enjoy. =)


~ Anne

Lisi's BLAH-G update!

Hey people!

Lisi updated her BLAh-G! I ttly want to win that poster! =)

Here it is:

You Ba-ROCK!
November 5th, 2008

Hey, who wants a Clique movie poster that’s been signed by the cast and me???? I CAN’T HEAR YOOOOUUUUUUUU. Here’s the deal. Post a comment on my site with the word BEAN at the top so I know you’re interested. Next Wednesday I will close my eyes and scroll down and pick the winner. Yup, its that easy. I will hold up a sign with the winner’s name on next week’s Blah-g.

Also there is a music player widget that will play tracks from the movie soundtrack. Go to
Oh and today’s shout out goes to our new President Elect BARACK OBAMA!!!!!!!!! He Ba-ROCKS!



~ Anne

November prize

Hey people!

If any of you guys are signed up awn the Clique Official Movie site , this might interest you. Every month the top 150 GLUs get a prize (September was Clique movie leather bracelets, October was Clique movie lipglosses). For November , the prize is ... OCD caps!!!! Ahw-some!!

Now how Octavian Country Day school is that??? I actually didn't now their sign was like that. You may also see it awn the Clique PE uniforms in the Clique movie.

Ehmagawd!!! The Clique movie is coming out in 10 days!


~ Anne

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Find My Place

Hey people!

I found the link to "Find My Place" by Samantha Boscarino (Alicia Rivera). It talks about popular crowds and stuff. It's very ah-dorable!
Check it out here!


~ Anne

Clique original soundtrack!

Hey people!
Nawt only can you get the Clique DVD (november 18) but you can also get the Clique soundtrack!!!

I posted the post below! =)

Get The Clique Movie Soundtrack on November 11
Including the new single from The Clique Girlz, “Here with me now”

Soundtrack available on Razor & Tie Records / New Line RecordsYou can purchase it here:
Complete Track Listing:

1. Here With Me Now - Clique Girlz

2. Break It Down – Free & Easy Featuring Tina Sugandh

3. Ur Perfect – Juliet Shatkin

4. Find My Place - Samantha Boscarino

5. Go - Rebecca Jones

6. Ayo Ayo – Classic

7. Look But Don't Touch – Juliet Shatkin

8. Get Up And Go - Alana D

9. Commit Me – Alana D

10. So Dangerous – Alana D

11. Get Ur Good Time On - The DeeKompressors

12. That Girl – The DeeKompressors

13. Hypnotique - Free & Easy

14. What U Say – The DeeKompressors

OMG! One of the songs are by Samantha Boscarino!(Alicia Rivera) I bet you can hear it awn Youtube or something(mental note to self: reserch that!).

Too cool!


~ Anne

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New trailer link!

Hey people!

OMG! I saw the new trailer and it's ah-mazing! "And I dont eat feet" LOL
Click here to see it.


~ Anne

Massie's Current State of The Union!

Hey people!

Massie's CSU is posted below. Feel free to comment. =) Look at it here too.
OCD is a filled with drama, and even an alpha like Massie can feel out of control. But no matter how cuh-razy a situation gets (like getting kicked out to the LBR trailers!), the Pretty Committee manages to keep their cool and stay on top. So tell us: how do you and your betas keep it together when everything seems to be falling apart?


~ Anne


Hey people!

Here's a quick update before I start my homework (gawt 2 get tht done!) I found this video awn MTV . You can check it out here . I hope you like it. It includes Tyra banks, Ellen Marlow(Claire), and Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie). It doesn't show the part with Lisi but we can guess that it happened in the same place (if you see the pic i uploaded a while ago).


~ Anne

Clique DVD!

Hey people!

I found the Clique DVD poster (so ah-mazing!) :

I was just looking through Amazon to see how much the Clique DVD was and i found the back picture of the Clique DVD! OMG! I posted it below:

I am so-ho exited! I'm counting the days (which I can do easily thanks to my Clique DVD countdown featured awn the right). Remember to send your questions or even updates(including pics if you can) to my e-mail (featured right).


~ A

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

New Clique pics posted!

Hey people!

New clique pics were posted awn the Clique movie site!

Posted on 2008-11-04

Hey GLUs! The Clique movie comes out in TWO WEEKS! We are completely excited (given) and to celebrate, we added a bunch of new movie photos to the Gallery. You'll get a peek at Massie's friday night sleepover, the OCD art studio and a certain school outing where things don't go exactly as planned...They're in 'The Clique' section of the gallery so check them out! Which one's your fave? Compare notes with other GLUs here There's more fun stuff to come so check back again tomorrow.



Entertainment Tonight!

Hey people!

The Clique is awn ET! and there's a new trailer!
Check it out:

Posted on 2008-11-03
Hey GLUs,
There’s a NEW CLIQUE TRAILER and the first place you’ll be able to see it is on Entertainment Tonight….tonight!
Tune in to ET to see an interview with Tyra Banks, Executive Producer of The Clique and the premiere of the new trailer for The Clique Movie! The folks at ET have confirmed that this is a done deal unless there is breaking news (like a a huge celeb meltdown or some major election issue) so check local listings for times and tune in!



Popstar: Elizabeth McLaughlin

Hey people!

I found a short interview with Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie) and her embarassing momment in a POPSTAR!
I posted it below:

Our Pick? The Clique!

Elizabeth McLaughlin stars in the new movie, the Clique, based on the popular book series about a girl who moves to a new school and has a hard time fitting in with her classmates! She plays Massie, the most popular girl at the prestigious Octavian Country Day School!

"Massie is an interesting charcter. On the outside, to any other person, you see her as this very, very mean, snotty, alpha girl who is in charge of the clique and is kinda like a dictator," Elizabeth says, "but on the inside, you really get to see who she really is."

Elizabeth was never in one specific "clique" at school!

"I was one of the girls who was considered a chameleon, 'cause I was hanging out with the preps and the jocks and, you know, the emos and the theater geeks."

Elizabeth is an actress you may "hear" from again soon!

"I started off as a singer and a dancer well before I even was an actress, so you might hear from me as a triple threat!"

Crystal Clear!

Blush-o-meter: 9/10

"I was at a sleepover one time. My friend had a main house and a guest house, and at first we decided to stay in the main house but then all the girls decided 'Well, let's stay in the guest house.' So we were all moving back and forth with all our sleeping bags and the sliding glass door was open the whole entire time. I went back to the main house to get my pillow and I was the lst one out there so I wanted to run straight back to the main house and I sprinted head first into the sliding glass door and actually ended up getting a pretty serious concussion! I'm a klutz!

- Elizabeth McLaughlin , The Clique

Hope you enjoyed that! It took me soooooooooo long to write it !!!!!


~ anne

Monday, November 3, 2008

Poll results!

Hey people!

The last poll was to figure out what would you rather do if you could hang out with the PC ?

AND 44 % of you chose THE FRIDAY NIGHT SLEEPOVER !!!


Shopping : 37 %
Attend to friday night sleepover: 44 %
spa Day : 14 %
Hang out at school: 3 %

Now remember that all polls last 2 weeks!!


~ A


Hey people!

OMG! I can't believe the Clique movie is coming out in two weeks!!!! SO cool!
Another thing to look forward to is PS I LOATHE YOU (coming out in feb.)
And talking about Lisi's next books... The next clique book (after ps i loathe you) is called...
BOYS R US ! How cool is that??!! AND , I cannawt wait until THE ALPHAS (Lisi's newest series) coming out september '09.

Now that's worth 50 gossip points... which reminds me ... You can contact me for any feedback, questions, or updates at :


~ Anne

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Lisi's BLAH-G update ! (continued)

Hey people!

Here are the pictures i promised you. I reread Lisi's BLAH-G and it (re)-cracked me up as usual. =)

Anyways, here are the pics below:

Lisi and Mandi (the Clique movie wardrobe stylist)

Lisi interview with cast:

Sophie Everhard (Dylan), Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie), Bridget Mendler (Kristen), Samantha Boscarino (Alicia), and Ellen Marlow (Claire), and of course Lisi Harrison (Clique book author)

Lisi's BLAH-G update!

Hey people!

Lisi updated her BLAH-G ! I posted it below! Check it out awn her site too!

October 30th, 2008

Seriously, I have so much to discuss today it’s insane. And I have to get to the grocery store to buy Halloween treats because my street is a major Halloween destination in Laguna. They shut it down and thousands of trick-or-treaters come. THOUSANDS. Kevy, my life crush is a TV producer so he has tons of lights and stuff. And he is lighting our house so it glows red. It’s going to be the hell house. I’m scared just thinking about it. :)

Now let’s get down to business. First, thanks to all of you who read my blah-g last week and knew I was away and didn’t get all cranky because there was no blah-g yesterday. My shout out this week goes to La La La 53 for being particularly understanding. She gave ME a shout out for giving YOU advance notice. And La La La (if I may call you that), your thoughtfulness melted my icy heart. :)

NYC was ah-mazing. I had a blast. Day one was a full on press day. I was at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel with the cast of the movie and different press people took turns interviewing us. We just sat in our directors chairs and one after the other they came in and fired away. It was like being in a batting cage but instead of baseballs we were thrown questions. And instead of helmets we were wearing ah-dorable outfits. At one point I got to interview the cast for international news channels. Check it out.

Then we went to the Tyra show. On the van ride over we had a great time. They all want to move to New York. I told them what happens to their characters in PS I Loathe You (I pinky swore them to secrecy) and they were freaking as if they were the real characters. Ellen, the actress who plays Claire told me who she wants to play Cam in the second movie. LOGAN- GRAHAM-

The show itself was a blast but very hectic. I didn’t even have time to take a picture. I’ll let you know when it airs as soon as I know. One of the girls in the audience who asked the cast a question was the model on the cover of the Dylan book. I swear it was so weird hanging out with the girls in the movie because I thought they were the real girls and then I saw the Dylan model and I thought she was the real Dylan. I was freaking out.
After the long press day I went out with some friends and lost my voice. From that moment on I was MUTE (hence the Mutehattan title). I swear I couldn’t talk. So I sat in my hotel room all day Friday and watched movies and rested up for Saturday and Teen Vogue’s Fashion University.

Saturday I was at Demi Moore status. Crackly voice but audible. Mandi Line, the genius costume designer on the movie, and I spoke to a bunch of girls at Teen Vogue about fashion in the books and in the movie. Take a look at Mandi and me. Um, can you guess which one if the costume designer. She was dressed like a girl scout. A super-tall girl scout.

The rest of the trip was spent working on the outline for the next Clique book Boys R Us.
I have more gossip for you but I’m going to wait until next Wednesday to spill it because I have to go get that Halloween candy. But here is a cool site that should hold you over. Go to and download the movie countdown widget. It tells you how many hours until The Clique comes out. I am obsessed.

TTYW, Lisi

I'm kind of busy right now so I'll post the pictures awn the next blog.

~ Anne

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pic Upload!!

Hey people!

I was awn Join the Clique and I found a part that I have never seen before...

I posted the pictures below but you can see the whole text awn

Massie Block played by Elizabeth mcLaughlin(left to right) Ellen Marlow (Claire Lyons), Samantha Boscarino (Alicia Rivera), Brittany H. (Lucky GLU), Sophie Everhard (Dylan Marvil), and Bridget Mendler (Kristen Gregory)

Brittany H. giving interview.

~ A

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Clique Movie prizes!

Hey people!

For those who have signed up in the Clique Movie website, you will be able to go win 2 more prizes! I posted below:


If you’re reading this, you’re a GLU. Ahb-viously.
And every month, the ten GLUs who earn the most points are the next month’s Alphas. Given.
But did you ever wonder what happens at the end of the year when all those points are added up?
The GLU with the most points at the end of the year will receive a phone call from the original Alpha herself, Lisi Harrison!
Truly Alpha worthy? Ah-greed.


We really heart all you GLUs. We do. That’s why we put together THE PRETTY COMMITTEE GIVES BACK prize. It contains:
A copy of The Clique movie on DVDA copy of The Clique bookAnd to make it really special, we added a copy of The Clique script!
But that’s not all.
We wanted it to be AH-MAZING so we asked Lisi Harrison to autograph them all….and she did!
This is the only prize of its kind and at the end of the year one lucky GLU will be selected at random to win this. That’s how much we heart you!


CONGRATULATIONS to DYLANROCKS1, winner of the PS WE HEART YOU prize! Dylanrocks1 is a huge fan of The Clique books (guess which character is her fave?) and her name will appear in the upcoming Clique book, PS I Loathe You which comes out in February!

Yeah, DylanRocks1 ! I envy you times 10 ! lol !
Anyways I plan to win the Pretty Committee Gives Back (and possibly Dial A for Alphas)

Lots of Love,

~ Anne

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NEW BLAH-G update!

Hey people!

Today's BLAH-G update was super short,but Lisi was flying to New York for her Tyra Show with the rest of The Clique Movie Cast. Posted here below:

October 21st, 2008

If you are in the New York area or you have access to a private jet and a ton of gas money have your parents call Danny Verdugo at 646.638.5684 so you can be in the audience while I’m there with the movie cast. Hope to see you this Thursday (10.23)xoxox

Now is it just me or is Lisi copying my "xoxo"s ???!!! jk
I put that part in red because i totally have a private jet and will be willing to bring 3 people with me!! =) kidding!!!!

I totally ENVY all those lucky girls going to see them and possibly meet them... *sigh*

Anyways, I hope you give me updates if you hear any and tell me if this blog isn't cool or whatever...


~ anne

Lisi's BLAH-G updates !

Hey people!

This BLAH-G update was actually posted awn Tuesday (I found out today). This post is about the new Clique (1 book) movie version (coming out October 31). Here is the post:

The Early Blah-G Catches The Worm

October 21st, 2008

Yes, I know it’s Tuesday. But I am blah-gging today because tomorrow I will be flying to NYC and I can’t leave you guys hanging. Not after all of those nice things you said about my Nightline segment. I seriously love you. You’re so supportive of me and each other. I wish we could have one massive sleepover, like on a football field, and eat Pinkberry (my new obsession.) How ah-mazing would that be???Why am I going to NYC? Glad you asked. I will be meeting up with Tyra Banks and the cast of the Clique to do press for the movie and to go on Tyra’s show. I know, can you believe? I will also be speaking at Teen Vogue’s Fashion University on Saturday with Mandi Line, the movies ah-mazing costume designer. Then next week I will be meeting with my editor to discuss the next Clique books. What to pack???The bad news is I will be flying back to Laguna Beach next Wednesday so there will not be a blah-g that day. But I will take a ton of pictures and I will have mounds of gossip and I will post it all either Thursday or Friday.

Just to get you pumped…here is a sneak peek at the special movie edition of The Clique book. It’s incredible. It had 16 pages of photos from the movie. Here are two of my faves.
And it has the first chapter of PS I Loathe you inside.

I know my photos suck but I took them with the camera on my Mac so everything is opposite and they look like you’re seeing them through dirty sunglasses. But hey, I’m a writer not a graphic designer.
Today’s shout out goes to Elaina because she said her keyboard smelled like noodles and that cracked me up.
TTYSTATEONW (talk to you some time at the end of next week)I heart you!!!! Lisi

Anyways, I really liked this one and you can see the original version awn her BLAH-G site. Here are some pictures:
Picture of Cover.

Inside sneek-peak(1 of Lisi's faves). Guessing (99.9 % sure) that this picture was taken from the scene Claire gets busted by Massie for trying to take a pic of Alicia's house.

Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd, there's also a pic of the first page(well half of it) of the PS I LOATHE YOU awn the site but since it's backwords I didn't bother posting it. I actually took my mirror and read it.

When Lisi said there would be alot of pigeon poo, she wasn't kidding. Like, the whole entire first paragraph was about that.


~ A

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Quick update


I was just wondering if I should put another pic up (awn the right) ? Which one? Should i put the whole cast up? The PC only? A behind the scenes pic? what? Well, it has to relate to the Clique! If you have other great updates, feel free to post them up in "comments". I read all of them.

~ A

The Clique movie

Hey people!

So since the Clique movie is coming out awn DVD soon, and I'm sure we've all been dying for this momment, I wanted to make a speacial post about it! =)


- this is based awn The Clique books number 1

- it is rumored to only film the 3 first books

- Massie Block is played by Elizabeth McLaughlin

- Dylan Marvil is played by Sophie Everhard

- Alicia Revera is played by Samantha Boscarino

- Kristen Gregory is played by Bridget Mendler

- Claire Lyons is played by Ellen Marlow

- You can see the trailer awn Ew-tube (as Lisi calls it)

- filmed at a university in Rhode Island. For an article about it go awn

Important Facts 2 (that weren't mantioned in book)

- Massie has an indoor pool

- Massie Mani-quin is situated in a white wardrobe

- Massie jumps out of a birthday cake

- There is a birthday going awn (I forgot whose it is)

- The OCD busses are red

About DVD:

-Coming out November 18, 2008 (You can check countdown on right)

- features :

- The search for the Real-life Pretty Committee
- Ehmagawd! We're rolling!
- The Clique Movie: Tween Couture
- The Clique Movie Casting Contest Winners
- Gag Reel
- Clique Girlz in the Studio

Now how aw-some is that??!!

You better be prepared for... The Clique Movie DVD!!
tell me if i should do more updates like this awn upcoming things to celebrate!!


~ A

O M G !

Hey people!

I found out that YOU could totally see a Lisi Harrison interview hosted by Tyra Banks!!!! How aw-some is that??!! I posted the Clique movie post about it below:

Posted on 2008-10-21

Hey GLUs, An ah-mazing opportunity has come up for Clique fans in New York City...Tyra Banks is interviewing Lisi Harrison and the cast of The Clique and you're invited!If you are a fan of The Clique and especially if you are in a clique, Tyra Banks wants YOU to be part of the studio audience. The show is filming this Thursday, October 23 in New York City.

If you are between the ages of 12 and 17 and in New York City and want to be part of the studio audience, have your parents call 646-638-5671 or 646-638-5672. The show films in the middle of the day and your parents must call to reserve a space and get the deets ahead of time.

Hope to see you there!

Yeah, I mean who would want to miss an opportunity like this one?! Nawt me!!!
Tell me what you think...


~ A

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New month prize!

Hey people!

Ok, so you know how you get a prize every month at the Clique Movie site ?

Last month was Clique movie leather bracelets , this month's is


Dontcha want to have bee-you-tiful lips ???!!!
Hello? Glossip Girl?

Think about it!

~ Anne

ellen Marlow comercial

Hey people!

i was looking up stuff on internet and found a cute add with Ellen Marlow in it (Claire lyons). It's on Ew-tube so you can see it awn

oh, and I also added a Clique movie countdown (on right) so you can keep track of the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the Clique movie!!! =)


~ A

Clique team is looking for...

Hey people!

The Clique team has annouced another winner for the PS I Loathe you prize! i posted their post below:

We are looking for YOU!Posted on 2008-10-16
Hey Glus,
There is a member named DYLANROCKS1.
Do you know her? We’re trying to find her. Want to know why?
We drew her name at random from all the eligible GLUs and now we need to hear back from her. So if you’re dylanrocks1, check your email. If you know dylanrocks1, tell her to check her email.
We have to hear from her by Noon (PDT) on Monday, October 20, 2008.
Dylanrocks1, we want to get hold of you so much, we are sending you two emails! One is coming from our partners at ePrize, and the other is coming from TheCliqueMovie – they’re the same email, and both have this subject line: EHMAGAWD! Your name could be in the next Clique Book! So check your inbox and check your spam folder and if you’re our lucky winner, let us know! You can also reach us using the “contact us” button at the top of this screen. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Thanks for your help. We heart you!- The Clique Team

So check your e-mails!!! I mean who would want to miss an opportunity like this??!!



poll results!

Hey people!

SO... the winner of this poll for fav Clique couple ...

Claire and Cam!!!!!


Massie and Derrington : 23 %

Alicia and Josh : 18%

Claire and Cam : 57%

Remember that all polls last 2 weeks so vote, vote, and vote!



Friday, October 17, 2008

All you need to know about: THE ALPHAS

Hey people!

So I bought the BOX SET yesterday and I ah-dore the mocha latte lipgloss!!! =)
So I saw awn the back of the Kristen book an advertisment awn THE ALPHAS!!!
Here's what it said:

The losers are tormented.

They're sent home.

Skye Hammilton is heading to the ultre-exclusive Aphas-only boarding school where beta is spelled LBR.

What happens when the country's best, brightest, and hawtest begin clawing and scratching their way to the top?

Fing out in
A new series created by Lisi Harrison

Coming out September 2009

So does that answer your questions like "Is Skye going to a dance school?" but that would have been possible, since she IS a dancer.

SO, i guess i'll just have to wait till September '09.