Hey People!
I'm updating my pictures for the 2 time!!!! I haven't gawt time to update
all of my pics so wait for episode 3! lol ! Hope you will H-E-A-R-T them just like I did. Tell me what you think of them. Thanks!
Ps: The picture with Massie with the bandana is the same one that's behind the Massie-kin ( episode 1)

Lisi Harrison (author), and Samntha Boscarino (Alicia)

Alicia model interview

Sophie Everhard (Dylan)

Clique set

Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Bridget Mendler (Kristen Gregory)

Claire Lyons ( Ellen Marlow) on phone

Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Ellen Marlow (Claire) on set

Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Claire, Kristen, Todd, Dylan, Alicia

Smantha Boscarino (Alicia), and Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Jumping around in colors

Elizabeth McLaughlin (Massie), and Sophie Everhard (Dylan)

Smantha Boscarino (Alicia), Bridget Mendler (Kristen), Sophie Everhard (Dylan)

Elizabeth Mclaughlin (Massie), Sophie Everhard (Dylan), Bridget Mendler (Kristen), Samantha Boscarino (Alicia), and Ellen Marlow (Claire)

Bridget Mendler (Kristen) , Sophie Everhard (Dylan), and Smantha Boscarino (Alicia)

Elizabeth Mclaughlin (Massie) and Samantha Boscarino (Alicia)

Dylan Marvil model

Alicia Revera model

Kristen Gregory model

Claire Lyons model

Massie Block model

do you know the dylan model's real name?
No, sry, i don't know dylan model's name. i do know that alicia model's name is Samantha B.
I saw your site and concluded that you heart fashion.
note: the scene in which Alicia gives Claire a makeover, Kristen is wearing: Diane von Furstenberg coat & skirt, Micheal Starts shirt, and vintage boots. Hope that helps!
~ A
Hey!do you know the name of Alicia's model on the cover PS i loathe you? By the way your blog is ah-mazing!it always keeps me updated!thnx:D
Alicia model on the cover of PS I Loathe You is Samantha B. It's actually a really big coincidence because the Alicia actress's name is Samantha B. haha.
Oh and she'll also be on the cover of Boys R Us the next Clique book coming out July 7.
And sorry I wasn't able to post regularly I have all my tests coming up and I really need to study. When they start filming Best Friends For Never I pinky swear I'll keep you updated. =)
Do you know what brand of bathing suit that Alicia wears?? It's like a monokini, and it's white with blue polka dots??? I have been looking for it EVERYWHERE! Also her dress that she wears at the end of the movie?? It's grey-ish blue, and it has 3 roses in the middle??? If you know, and you could tell me, that would help me A LOT!!! ttyl!
thanks! bye!
Where did you find the pictures of the models? I need them for something on my blog.
Thx :)
do u know massie's models real name thnx!
Hey do you know what Alicia is wearing on the cover the black dress with the lace shirt under. I really eant to get it. Also the model for dylan is in the to old for acne but to young for rinkle ad.
hey whoever knows when they are making the second cliqu move plz tell!
I <3 the Clique Books! Thanks for making this! good work!
The Dylan Marvil models real name is Kara G. The Massie Models name is Tsarina Merrin, and The Kristen Models Name is: Emma.
is there gonna be movies for each book
are there gonna be movies for all of the books
omg i love massie's model!! i'm just wondering if anyone knows why they didnt have HER play massie in the moviesd? i personally think that all the girls' models would have been a LOT better as them in the movies than the acresses they chose. please reply! thx!
The cover models for the Pretty Committee in Summer Collection:
Massie Block model- Tsarina Merrin
Dylan Marvil model- Kara Gonchar
Alicia Rivera model- Samantha Betzag
Kristen Gregory model- Emily Essig
Claire Lyons model- Stephanie (last name I don't know)
This is what I found out about the Clique: Summer Collection models:
Massie Block model- Tsarina Merrin
Dylan Marvil model- Kara Gonchar
Alicia Rivera model- Samantha Betzag
Kristen Gregory model- Emily Essig
Claire Lyons model- Stephanie (last name I do not know)
haha i know emily essig, kara gonchar, and tsarina wong and they are so much prettier in person than in the pictures
Massie - Tsarina Merrin
Dylan - Kara Gonchar
Alicia - Samantha Betzag
Kristen - Emily Essig
Claire - Leah Allen
I know them for real, I model with them and there really nice well not Tsarina because I am mee
Actually Calire's model is Leah Allen:)
Do you know if the second book will have a movie?
To anyone who wants to know the girls' models names, Massie's is Tsarina Merrin. Alicia's is Samantha Betzag. Claire's is Leah Allen. Kristen's is Emily Essig and Dylan's is Kara Gonchar. Hope this helps anyone wanting to know. :)
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